Zero Energy + Net Positive
We seek ambitious clients who strive to build Net-Zero and Net Positive energy projects. We help you plan, design, strategize and navigate reliable technologies, site conditions, politics and funding. We believe every project will make a difference, whether it is 1kW or 1MW.
Zero Energy Certification
There are formal and informal approaches to net-zero. If a project has liability exposure, we recommend a certification standard, such as Net Zero Certification by the Living Future Institute.
This 60kW microturbine may not look exciting, but it generates power for a 300 person campus and heats 2 pools, essentially for free. Projected costs savings over 20 years is in the millions.
Net Zero can mean different things
"Off Grid" is a project that meets 100% of its electric load on site without being connected to the electrical grid. The project may or may not be connected to other utilities, including natural gas or propane. Significant to note is that an off-grid project is not eligible for State funded renewable energy rebates (ie; SGIP, Solar Homes).
"Zero Net Energy" or ZNE buildings is a more accurate phrase describing buildings that meet 100% of their energy load on site. The important thing to note is meeting a building's energy load versus meeting the entire site energy load. Using the word "energy" vs. "electricity" generally implies minimizing or eliminating natural gas or propane use because we do not consider gas a renewable source of energy.
"Net Zero" implies that a project is grid connected and that the aggregate annual site electric load is met 100%.
"Net Zero Electricity" clarifies that a project is drawing natural gas from the grid while providing 100% of the electric load on site. We use this phrase for our on-site combined heat & power projects, which use grid gas to produce heat & electricity via a microturbine or fuel cell.
"Net Zero Site Energy" is more ambitious, meeting all buildings and the entire site electric load. The design challenge is calculating electric loads that are not typically included (per code) in building energy calculations. This requires a very good energy consultant, and usually 12 months of monitoring after construction.